Copywriting, Journalism, Editing, Authoring and more……..

 Good writing evokes emotion, and emotion elicits action

Good writing also engages, informs, communicates, educates and influences

Good writing should inspire your readers or audiences and help them remember you for all the right reasons.

My business connects you and your audiences through the power of the written word. The great mistress of potent “wordmanship” Maya Angelou said it best when she uttered the words:

....people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
— Maya Angelou

If people feel good about you, they’re more likely to become valued, long-term customers, brand ambassadors, fans, followers, connections and readers of your work.

If you’re in an ‘information-led’ business or industry, such as technology, academia, research, law, medicine, and so forth, you have a goldmine of knowledge at your disposal. Much of this stays hidden and unexploited, languishing in people’s heads, invisible and of limited value or concealed behind paywalls. Every business and organisation has knowledge assets to exploit for the greater good.

Researchers - check out my lay summaries page.

How I work with clients

This is usually done on a project or retainer basis. You can submit a briefing or get in contact. Once I’ve received your briefing, I’ll submit a proposal and cost outline, which sets out deliverables, expectations, responsibilities, timelines and basic terms. Once we’ve agreed on those, I can start working for you. Simple!